Healthy Dog eBook Bundle

Healthy Dog eBook Bundle

By Kayla Kowalski, Certified Canine Nutritionist

4 eBooks bundled together to teach you how to feed your dog a raw diet, treat seasonal allergies, improve and prevent joint issues & make 30 homemade treats and supplements.

Regular price $126.00 Sale price$105.00 Save $21.00

Learn How to:

  • Transition your dog to a raw diet with step-by-step instructions and examples.
  • Balance your dog's diet to eat as healthy as possible.
  • Feed the healthiest meats, bones, organs, fruit, vegetables, seeds & more.
  • Make the most of supplements without feeling overwhelmed or over-budget.
  • Make 30+ recipes for treats & supplements that are easy, healthy & affordable.
  • Prevent & treat seasonal allergies, including itchy skin, paw licking, ear infections & more.
  • Exclusive discounts & links to purchase food, supplements & supplies to help make meal prepping easy.
  • And so much more!


  • Improve your dog’s health with expert advice from a Certified Canine Nutritionist.
  • Feeding a raw diet can increase a dog's lifespan by several years.
  • Dogs are biologically designed to thrive off of raw food, just like wolves.
  • Decrease inflammation to manage seasonal allergies, illnesses, diseases & other health issues. 
  • Freshens breath, whitens teeth, & prevents gum disease.
  • Strengthens dogs' immune systems to help fight diseases, infections & viruses.

Thank You for Supporting

The methods in these eBooks have helped dogs overcome countless health issues and live longer lives than their owners and veternarians expected. I've been able to help thousands of dogs around the world through my videos, Custom Diet Guides & eBooks, all thanks to your support! Let's continue to spread awareness and knowledge that can give families more time with their furry loved ones.