Seasonal Allergies eBook

Seasonal Allergies eBook

Seasonal Allergies eBook

By Kayla Kowalski, Certified Canine Nutritionist

Treat and prevent your dog’s itching, paw licking & skin issues from seasonal allergies.

Regular price$19.00

Learn How to:

  • Boost your dog's diet to stop itchy skin, paw licking, ear infections & more.
  • Use supplements for preventing & treating seasonal allergies. 
  • Detox your dog from toxins that make allergies worse.
  • Make homemade remedies, topicals & baths for relief.
  • Bonus recipes for my detox supplement, honeycomb allergy supplement, golden paste & 2 bones broths!
  • And so much more!


  • Improve your dog’s health with expert advice from a Certified Canine Nutritionist.
  • Decrease inflammation to manage seasonal allergies, illnesses, diseases & other health issues. 
  • Reduce watery eyes, scratching, inflamed pink spots, chewing paws, ear infections & more.  
  • Regulate your dog’s immune system and the bacteria in their gut for a happier, healthier life.

Thank You for Supporting

Congrats on going above & beyond to help your dog! Treating & preventing seasonal allergies is tough and I'm happy that you're trusting in me for help. This eBook is the result of countless hours of research, testing, and passion. I've poured all of my knowledge and experience into creating an eBook that's going to bring your dog relief from allergy season. Thank you for your support and for giving your dog all of the love & care that they deserve!